
             Appledore from the River Torridge                         Sunset view from Pebble Ridge,                 The Torridge towards Bideford                            Tarka Morrismen       

                                                                                                          Westward Ho!                                                                                                      on Appledore Quay     


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Places of Worship in Appledore

St Mary's Anglican Church
St Mary's is part of the Anglican Mission Community of Appledore, Northam and Westward Ho!
Team: Revd Derek Arnold, Revd David Carrington

Tel: 07494 233305    Email: mission

St Mary's, situated on the Quay in Appledore, was built in 1837. The tower was added in 1909. 
To find out
more, visit St Mary's Church.

We are pleased to announce that Derek Arnold has been appointed to the post of Priest in Charge
(Team Rector Designate) for Appledore, Northam and Westward Ho! Mission Community from March 2017.
He is currently Priest-in-Charge in the Parish of Ombersley 

Revd. David Carrington 01237-423026 

Assisting priest

Revd. Sandra Juniper 01237-238769 

Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 9am - 12noon  
Temporary number for Parish Administrator 07494 233305
The Vestry, Castle Street, Northam, EX39 1JL 

1st & 3rd in month: 8.00 am   Holy Communion
1st, 2nd & 4th in month: Morning Worship
3rd in month: 10.00am Holy Communion

On the 4th Sunday at 10.00am we have a slightly shorter service which aims to encourage children and young people, as well as all ages, to join our regular worship - with a lively mix of prayer, songs and hymns (and sometimes the unexpected!)


When there is a 5th Sunday in the month, this is usally a Team service held at one of the Mission Community Churches and includes Holy Communion.

Baptist Church
Meeting Street, Appledore EX39 1RJ
Tel: +44 (0)1237 47957

SUNDAY: 10.30 am   Morning Worship and The Catch (special Church for children 3 to 11 years old)
7.30am Early Morning Prayers 
TUESDAY: Mums 7 Toddlers Group for children up to 4 years old
2 sessions:  9.15am-10.30am and 10.45am to 12.00 noon
THURSDAY: 7.30 pm Housegroup at Fair Winds, Chope Road, Northam

The Bethel
The Quay, Appledore
(formerly the Seaman's Mission Chapel)

 Occasional services
Other local places of worship:
St Margaret’s Church, Northam (part of the Appledore, Northam & Westward Ho! Anglican Mission Community)
8.00am 4th Sunday - Holy Communion (BCP)
10.00am 1st Sunday - Morning Worship - All Age 2nd Sunday - Holy Communion 3rd and 4th Sunday - Morning Worship
Holy Trinity Church, Westward Ho! (part of the Appledore, Northam & Westward Ho! Anglican Mission Community)
10.30am 1st and 3rd Sunday - Holy Communion. 10.30am 2nd Sunday - Morning Worship 10.30am 4th Sunday.
Informal Service On any 5th Sundays in the month Joint Services are held in one of the 3 churches. Please see church notice board.
Baptist Church, Westward Ho!
Sunday services at 11am and 6.30pm. Lunch club 2nd Wednesday of the month. Weekly activities. 01805 603314
Northam Methodist Church
Sunday Service 10.30am, Creche available. All Welcome.
St Mary’s Parish Church, Bideford
Sunday 8 am Holy Communion, 10 am Parish Communion with Sunday School
(with All Age Communion on the 2nd Sunday with activities for children), 7pm Evensong 1st Sunday, 7pm Taize 3rd Sunday;
11.30 am 3rd Sunday Children's Church tel 01237 474078.
Lavington United Reformed Church Bridgeland Street, Bideford.
We meet at 11.00 am. for morning worship with Junior Church and at 6.30 p.m. for evening worship
The Salvation Army,
Sunday Service - 3.00 pm, Tuesday Come and Meet Each Other afternoon - 2.00 pm. At Baptist Church in Mill Street, Bideford.
Bideford Baptist Church, Mill Street.
Sunday Worship at 10.30am Sunday School & Creche, Communion 1st & 3rd Sunday
Bideford Methodist Church, High Street, Bideford,
Sunday Service 10.30am + Creche
The Bethel Evangelical Church, East of the Water, Bideford.
Sunday worship 10.30am, Prayer & bible study on Tuesdays at 7.30pm. Last Sunday of the month 7.30pm Special healing meeting
All welcome. Further details 01237 472308
The Sacred Heart Church, North Road, Bideford
Saturday vigil mass 6.30 pm, Sunday mass 11 am
Bideford Quaker Meeting.
Everyone is welcome to Quaker Meeting for Worship, held at the Friends Meeting House, 17 Honestone Street, at 10.30 on Sunday mornings.
Enquiries to the clerk 01237 421549.
Abundant Life Church, The Arts Centre Bideford Quay, Every Sunday at 10:30am

~ If you contact any of the above, please mention that you found them at ~



Copyright © 2017 Linda Smith

Last Updated Feb 2017